PDF Stickers Nesting Service
Project Overview
On August 16th, 2021, the PDF stickers nesting service was created as a temporary measure to impose multi-page stickers onto a single page and then nest them onto one sheet. This approach was taken as there was a significant upfront cost in purchasing nesting software. Although the service did not offer trimming or optimisation at the time, it was a good starting point to get the product out of the door.
On February 1st, 2022, the service was modified to trim whitespace provided from a sticker, which helped to save on scrap. By analyzing each PDF, it was discovered that it contained three components: Image, Path, and Text. By ignoring the Image component, the bounding box used to trim off the whitespace could be determined.
Despite being initially created as a temporary measure, the PDF stickers nesting service proved to be successful in production and operations. It provided satisfactory results, and additional custom functions such as bleed were added to enhance its capabilities. Therefore, it was kept in use in production.
Technologies Used
- .NET 6
- Git